Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Birth Story Giveaway!

Does reading about others' birth stories remind you of yours?
Was it tender and sweet? Were there comical moments? I'd love to hear them!

The Giveaway: A Miracle Blanket

How to Enter:
1-Submit your own birth story and allow it to be shared on COLORADO HOMEBIRTH STORIES.*
2- Birth must've taken place at home, or in a birthing center, or ALL natural/unmedicated at a hospital.

Deadline: February 14th, 2010

Winner will be chosen randomly.

* You may certainly change names/dates for privacy.


  1. Oh I am so up for this! Actually you'd be welcome to re-publish any of my posts about birth (with credit/link of course), but my recent Alaskan homebirth story is here
    My prior birth (unmedicated in a Utah hospital) is here though I don't think it's quite as exciting, you're welcome to it too. :)
    I just posted earlier this week talking about the differences between them--emotionally as well as just the physical facts.


Feeling something you wanna say outloud? I'd love to hear it!